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Hannah Williams 

Hannah is an Account Executive who started her career at ZPB in October 2024. She has been getting stuck into pharmaceutical and healthcare projects, as well as organising a roundtable event. 


Prior to joining ZPB, she worked within the NHS as a Health Care Support Worker for operating theatres, where her responsibilities included getting patients the evidence-based surgical care that they needed. This gave her a unique insight into challenges faced by the healthcare system. During her time there, she became and remains a keen patient advocate, championing the need for informed consent and patient-centred care. 

Hannah graduated from the University of Leeds with a Bachelor of Science degree in Genetics, where she became passionate about the power of genetics in preventative medicine. She also completed a research dissertation exploring current and theoretical gene therapies. This sparked her interest in influencing change in healthcare systems in line with scientific advancement. 

In her free time, Hannah can be found over-ordering small plates at restaurants, adding to her collection of Penguin Classics faster than she can read them, and taking long walks with a good podcast in her ears.

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