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So, how are we doing?

It can be awkward giving and receiving feedback. But without it, it’s hard to know how you are doing and make what you do better.

In March this year, we introduced the means of capturing feedback from our clients on an ongoing basis and built it into our processes. We now do an online survey every year, CEO-CEO interviews for our longstanding clients and project close interviews. Feedback involves everyone in the team: every member of the account teams, creative team, our admin support and accounts and the senior management team. When asking for the feedback, we are ready to respond to negative feedback, and we hope we can share good comments as we get it to give a team member a pat on the back or boost morale.

These are ZPB’s four reasons for asking for feedback: 1. It helps us understand what we’re good at so we can build on the work that customers love. 2. It helps us know where we need to improve, both on an individual level and as a business to inform our processes and training needs. Sometimes getting feedback can be hard to hear, and we need to acknowledge that it can be difficult, but by receiving feedback regularly, we can learn how to take on feedback and positively use this. 3. Great feedback from our customers can be used in our marketing, for example, in testimonials and give us quantitative data on customer satisfaction. 4. Structured feedback is an opportunity for us to step back from day to day and ask about what is going on in our clients’ worlds. Gaining insight into our client needs can help us to refocus our work to support these needs and can reveal new business opportunities.

The results of our first online survey are now in, and we’re pleased as punch that what we are doing is appreciated by clients. And the only negative comment has been incredibly useful to help us with a project we were delivering. We are grateful to all our clients that completed the survey.

• 100% of our clients say we’ve had a positive impact on their business • 100% say we’ve met or exceeded expectations • 100% would recommend us

Watch the ZPB customer feedback video below for those survey results in full.


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